Board Member Responsibilities
As a Tioga United Way Board Member, we are part of a team of community-minded volunteers. It is important to understand our Mission and be an active member of the Tioga United Way Board. When working together, we can accomplish great things on behalf of our partner agencies and the community.
As a Board Member your responsibilities include:
- Serving on and/or chairing a standing committee or special project committee.
- Attendance at standing committee and regular board meetings.
- Annually reviewing and signing the Board Member Agreement and Code of Ethics.
- Reviewing the By-laws.
- Making a personal contribution to the Annual Campaign to ensure 100% participation.
- Actively assisting with special events:
- Annual Campaign Kick-off
- Annual Meeting
- Annual Awards Banquet
- Fundraising
- Others as opportunities present
- Becoming familiar with other agencies using provided fact sheets and visiting a Partner Agency(ies).
- Being an advocate for the Tioga United Way Mission by making presentations to a service club, church group or business association.
- Enhancing the effectiveness of the board and yourself by participating in board leadership and development activities.
Board Members may also strengthen the Tioga United Way by:
- Securing a Tioga United Way volunteer, in kind service or material goods for the Tioga United Way.
- Reviewing and considering your capacity and willingness to make a planned gift or bequest to the Tioga United Way.
- Securing at least two new donors for the Annual Campaign each year.
- Above all – engaging, participating and enjoying your volunteer experience. Your time, talent and treasure will make a difference!